North Harbor Drive

Observations and insights into real estate happenings along N. Harbor Dr. in downtown Chicago

East Randolph Street, Chicago

One Showing Experience that I will not forget

July 14th, 2009 · No Comments · Uncategorized

I got a floor call on Tuesday from a woman who wants to see some rental places, I have traded some phone calls with her during that day, then I set some appointments for her. I called her a few times after that and try to tell her that I have scheduled all these appointments. But I did not hear back from her for a couple of days, then I left her a message and told her that I will cancel the appointments if I do not hear back from her. Her husband called that afternoon and confirmed with me of the two appointments. It took me a hour to get there on a Sat, then I tried to call them in all three numbers with nobody answer the phones. I just do not understand why people do things like this. To waste other people’s time and what is good for them? I hope that I am not going to have anyone like this again.

A coworker has introduced a potential renter to me. It was very hot and I was waiting for him for more than 1 hour and then he called and told me that he was coming. After delaying for 2 hours, we saw three places and he wanted to see three more the next day. After seeing three more places the next day. He has disappeared. No more phone calls or e mails.

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